Tuesday, January 5, 2010


After a long day, I came back home from Ayutthaya trip with the sweat that soaked me wet from head to toes. A cold shower is the only way to refresh me. Turn the shower on and then let my thought flowing with the running water through my head and body. I was relaxing with the smell of the orange flower fragrance in the shampoo but the pineapple smell of the soap was wakening me up.

Pineapple always reminds me of hot humid summer, the juicy sweet smell would hang in the kitchen. We have pineapple for whole summer then it’s not a special fruit for us at all. And now thank you for an agriculture technology that makes pineapple can be grown in every part of Thailand in every season. This makes pineapple more common and less special.

You can check on Pineapple rating by asking anybody you know in Thailand what is the most favorite fruit? I bet you with high-tea at Peninsula Hotel that nobody would mention about Pineapple at all. The poor simple Pineapple. They eat it almost every day and just forget it as fast as they eat it.

I once worked with one girl. She was normal looking, nice and easy to work with but nothing in particular for other. She worked in personal department, other department believes that you can hire anyone to do a job in personal department because it brainless and a very common job. Her job dealt with air tickets with me that why we became friend but one day she was fired. Nobody out of her department would notice that she gone at all. She is just someone who comes and goes...common and nothing special like Pineapple.

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