Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Food's War

I have read that Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia are known for some foods, Nasi Lamak, Lasak and Hainanese Chicken, as their national foods. This caused me a delima because as the matter of fact all of these dishes originated from Chinese and Indian foods. Those two countries should get credit for that! Don’t even think that China and India would join this fight. We all know that culinary was boiled by different cooking methods, baked by different ingredients, and stir-fired or seasoned by people taste. Once you learn how to cook one food you would not cook the same way for 100 years, your cooking style would evolve, wouldn't it? But so to speak, those 2 foods that they are fighting over didn’t taste so good. I rather ask for Chili-fishsauce to add on, or even Tabassco.

Well, it seems like the food issue could turn to be a political issue. Ooops better not talk about political because Thailand just get through that issue!

Bon Appetit and have a wonderful PJ DAY!