When was the last time you started something new?
I got hit by that question, and I have to confess that I can’t answer it right away. I had another kind of similar question, especially during New Year ... What is your plan for this year?
For me, unfortunately, that type of question would lead to the same answer as well.
And this is my answer few days ago: No plan..Nothing new..Same old Same old.
Sound like a looser alright? Well... I have to thank you for people who asked me that question because it made me want to see myself doing something new, something fresh and something that will be good for me.
Sometime we know for sure, that there are things that we need to stop, quit or improve. Those things become one part of your life like the Cholesterol in your blood vain. Hard to see but you know it is inside there somewhere. And you would know exactly when someone technically tell you.
I like the word that my friend said that he need “room for improvement” and I told him I am sure everybody does have room for improvement but it depends on if they would realize of the existing of that room and the question for them is ... Would they open the room for improvement or not?
Before I would let myself got stunned by those type of question again then I decided that this year I will organize my life in many ways and start something new for example...Changing shop and restaurant every time I have dinner with a friend...Write down every penny that I earn or spend...Make a list of the movie I see and the book I read...Make a trip to somewhere I never been. And as you can see that I started to write a blog again :)
Now if I got the question about this year plan or start something new again I am sure I can talk about my plan and thing that I am going to do for hour :)
And what about you ... Are you ready to start something new?